Hace 8 años | Por crateo a thenation.com
Publicado hace 8 años por crateo a thenation.com

Cuatro analistas explican que podríamos esperar de un Presidente Trump en materia de política internacional.



#1 No. EE.UU. primero


#1 Los WASP primero.


#1 Joder, y dices que no sabes!!


¿Por qué el enlace va a un artículo contra el boicot académico a Israel? Lo de Trump está dos artículos más abajo.

PD: han tardado un párrafo en compararlo con los nazis


A lo mejor quiere decir fist y no first.. roll


#4 #8 Fist raised??


Aparte de lo que todos sabemos, sus declaraciones racistas y su falta de compromiso con el cambio climático, puntos interesantes expuestos por el primer analista:

First, he would lead a transition away from the policy of regime change and nation-building that has wreaked so much havoc in the world and cost us so much in money and lives.

Second, Trump has indicated he would stop the drift toward a potentially dangerous new Cold War with Russia and would open the door to a new partnership with Moscow.

Third, he would attempt to strike a new bargain with America’s Cold War allies by making them do more for their own security. He has argued that NATO is anachronistic, as is our security partnership in Asia with Japan and South Korea.

Fourth, Trump would put economic nationalism above geopolitics. He would abandon free-trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), whose main rationale is geostrategic (to contain China).

Finally, Trump would redefine American exceptionalism by bringing an end to the neoliberal/neoconservative globalist project that Hillary Clinton and many Republicans support.


Yo creía que era America FIST


#0 Has enlazado a la URL general de The Nation. El enlace correcto de tu envío es http://www.thenation.com/article/the-promise-and-the-peril-of-donald-trumps-foreign-policy/ Que te lo cambie un@admin , pídelo por la fisgona


@admin Muchas gracias majos!